Stock media library

Choose from entire photo and video library provided by Pexels without leaving the app. For free, attribution is not required.

Choose From an Entire Photo Library


Upload your video. Drag and drop from your device, use direct link, or upload from Google Drive or Dropbox for super fast uploads and better team collaboration.


Choose and add. Choose one or more beautiful images from a vast photo library and make your video shine.


Use an image as a background. Use any image from a photo library as a background for your video to hasten the video editing process.

Mind Literally Blown. What would have taken me hours to caption for one of my ad clients just took me 10, maybe 15 minutes. Now I've been around the block and have used a lot of tools. But hot damn.

Jesseka Fox
Lead Gen Expert, CEO at Vetted Choice

This software is a game changer! I've been able to generate over 100 pieces of content to populate my social!

Michelle Lewis
Visibility and publicity expert,

ContentFries is a fantastic time-saving tool that I have been recommending to my friends and sharing in private expensive masterminds.

Reed Floren

Maybe you're wondering...

Is my language supported by the automatic captions generator?
Is there any watermark on videos?
What if I exceed the limits?
Can I cancel anytime?
Do you have an affiliate program?
Is VAT included in plan prices?
What is your refund policy?
What happens after I cancel my subscription?

Get Started Now For Free

Create dozens of content pieces very fast. Auto-captioning for 60+ languages. One-click adjustable progress bars. Perfect headlines generator. Publish your video transcripts as blog posts. Keep your computer running smoothly thanks to cloud exports and MUCH more!

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